Join and support


Ukrainian birds need your support!

Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds (USPB) is the most active public environmental protection organization in Ukraine, which is concerned with problems and carries out real protection of rare and endangered species of birds, as well as their habitats.

The main sources of funding for the protection activities of USPB are membership fees, voluntary donations and targeted funding received in the form of grants for the implementation of special projects on bird protection and environmental education.

Non-governmental organizations around the world, through their members, play an important role in shaping the environmental policy of their countries. The work of our NGO relies on the support of the public and unites people who want to help preserve the birds and nature of Ukraine.

By joining USPB, you're amplifying our voice for bird protection and our impact as an organization!

Photo: Serhiy Kantsyrenko
Photo: USPB

Why should you join USPB?

Members of USPB help in our work in different ways:

— Contributions paid by USPB`s members are an important financial aid in environmental protection and educational work.

— The more members our organization has, the more influence we will be able to exert on the officials responsible for making decisions in the field of environmental protection. A strong network of members is the key to successful bird and nature conservation work.

Photo: USPB
Photo: Vyacheslav Kaistro

Can a person who does not have a biological education, in particular, is not an ornithologist, become a member of USPB?

Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds is a public organization, not a scientific one. Therefore, we do not require those willing to join us to have special knowledge in the field of biology. Instead, you will have the opportunity to independently learn a lot of interesting things about the life of birds in nature with the help of informational materials, the "Ptakh" ("Bird") magazine.

How often do I need to pay the membership fee?

We have different categories of membership fees. The membership fee is annual. To renew your membership, the next installment must be paid 12 months after the date of the previous installment.

Bank account and details for transferring the membership fee:

Recipient of the payment: NGO "Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Birds":

Code (EDPNOU) of legal entity: 20069726

IBAN: UA703005280000026003455064366

Bank identification code: 300528

Payment purpose: Charitable donation